CariCOF Caribbean Climate Outlooks: June 2024

Written on 06/02/2024

The CariCOF Climate Outlooks for June to August 2024 are now available. These include:

Summary for the upcoming 3-month period, June to August 2024: “Cooling temperatures in the equatorial Pacific will result in ENSO neutral or La Niña conditions while (near-)record warm Tropical North Atlantic Ocean are set to continue. Therefore, an intense Heat Season with recurrent heatwaves, a (hyper-)active Atlantic Hurricane Season and an intense wet season are forecast. Frequent and intense shower activity could result in high potential for flooding, flash floods, cascading hazards and associated impacts. Should the intrusion of dry Saharan air (which usually peak through July) be more frequent than usual, storm and shower activity may be more erratic, delaying relief from any water shortages arising from low rainfall and high evapotranspiration rates observed during the dry season.”