CariCOF Caribbean Climate Outlooks: February 2025

Written on 02/12/2025

The CariCOF Climate Outlooks for February to April 2025 are now available. These include:

The following excerpt from CariCOF’s Caribbean Climate Outlook Newsletter summarizes the climate conditions and related hazards for the upcoming 3-month period February to April 2025:

Unusually warm Tropical North Atlantic Ocean temperatures and weak La Niña conditions forecasted for this period imply: (i) a likely less intense peak of the Dry Season in the Lesser Antilles and Guianas, though the potential for flooding, flash floods, cascading hazards and associated impacts will be moderate to high; (ii) by contrast, some areas in the northwestern Caribbean may well face a harsher peak of the Dry Season; (iii) a marked increase in the frequency of dry spells and the potential for wildfire weather across the region; (iv) a transition out of the Cool Season and into the 2025 Heat Season up to 1 month earlier than usual, i.e., in March or April. The incursion of Saharan dust into the Caribbean may well be frequent.