CariCOF Caribbean Climate Outlooks: December 2023

Written on 12/08/2023

The CariCOF Climate Outlooks for December 2023 to February 2024 are now available. These include:

Summary for the upcoming 3-month period, December 2023 to February 2024: “The cool season features more comfortable temperatures and humidity. This period also marks the early dry season in the Caribbean Islands and Belize and the long dry season in the far interior of the Guianas, with fewer wet days and spells of heavy showers by February. There is a concern for moderate drought in areas with ongoing rainfall deficits and short dry spells should become more frequent, particularly in northwest Belize. The potential for flooding and cascading hazards will be mostly moderate through December, but high in mountainous areas. In the coastal Guianas, the secondary wet season may end up drier than usual, but flood potential remains high through January. “